The Legend lives!

Hey guys! A very long time since my last post, but I’m still here, alive! After 4 years of so many events and such, I’m back again to change things up and continue working on this update of the site. Many of you might be coming here discovering that this...

Scheduling to Restart the Project again…

Hey guys! So I’m rescheduling once again to restart on development of Dark Zeta project (Project DB) once again. The Last 4 years since the teaser trailer was started has been really challenging to keep moral and motivation up to work on this project. Ultimately...

2019 – the road to 2020

It’s time again to update this thing- Hey guys, so a lot has changed since the last update. To sum it up, I decided to give up on the game making part of this project and focus all on to the animation instead. This is a story driven project and the main factor...

Spring March 21 2018 update: The Solution

Hey guys! Here is the scoop on what’s happening with Dark Zeta. I have been in a very tight financial situation since my investments in cryptocurrency has failed me to yield what I needed to fuel my game projects. The projection of march from November of 2017...

Internal Disruption – 10/25/2016

Hey guys! It’s been eons I know since the last update, but things have been really tough over here to manage since I cut ties from several business individuals. I had no choice in it really because when you are hit by signs of instabilities and folks want to...